Little Brownie

Brownie is fearless and a drama queen at the same time. The things that frighten her will surprise you and the things that don't frighten her will astonish you. She loves being the center of attention and if you don't pay attention to her, she'll be sure to make sure that you do.

If there was a doggy award for acting, Brownie would win in all categories. She can pretend she is in the greatest pain ever and produce banshee like screeches because of a shot or bee sting. On the other end of the spectrum she will fearlessly stick her head out of a vehicle traveling at 100mph on a hot summer day. Brownie will cower in fear after ripping apart a brand new box of tissues and then realize that sitting in your lap and acting cute will be the quickest way of getting out of trouble.

Brownie's hobbies include:
  • Acting cute
  • Acting hurt
  • Acting like she cares
  • Acting like she's interested in you
  • Dissecting you with her robot dog eyes
  • Being a ninja
  • Stealing toys from her sister
  • Stealing toys from other dogs
  • Stealing hair ties from mommy
  • Eating shoe lace caps
  • Eating buttons
  • Chewing on furniture